"...to collect, preserve, and disseminate BLAIR history and genealogy..."

Index to the BSGR "Blair" Database

TThe Master BSGR database contains over 80,000 entries for Blairs and their related families accumulated from our membership . Some of the entries have a great deal of documentation; others are simply birth and death dates, etc.

This page will search 18,000 entries with the surname of BLAIR born before 1900 AND have a listed place of birth. Children submitted by members who do not have exact birthplaces are not in this index. When searching, try the county, state, and country first. If you do not find who you are looking for, try the state and county. Finally, try just the state or county and the name of the person. A search for "James Blair" will return too many results, so do your best to narrow the search criteria.

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