The Bean’s Cove Blair Clan Genealogy
a book review
by Bryce D. Blair (1938-2013)

The author, now deceased, was a charter member and officer in The Blair Society for Genealogical Research. His unique genealogy starts with the currently known progenitor of his line, Brice (I) Blair. This Brice was Scotch-Irish, born in Northern Ireland ca.1720 and farmed near Antietam, MD in 1765. By 1777, he was living in the Bean's Cove area of Southampton Twp., Bedford Co., PA and remained there until his death in 1785. The book follows his son, Brice (II) Blair, son of Susannah, through ten generations of the author's line. Brice II, raised his entire family on his father's farm. The book has thirteen chapters including one for each of Brice II's eleven surviving children and their descendants. In keeping with the traditions of The Blair Society for Genealogical Research, the book's main purpose is to record, preserve and disseminate the known genealogical and historical data on this branch of the Blair family, which itself dates back to eleventh century Scotland. The second purpose is to submit this data for review and comment by all interested and, finally, to encourage others of this expanded family to help fill in the "unknowns" and provide for its continuity.
BLAIR is, of course, the central surname theme of the book. However, very important, related surnames are PATRICK, McCOY, WRIGHT, PERDEW, WIGFIELD, LAKIN, and GROWDEN.
Research on this Blair family was started by the author's great-grandfather, Nathan Archibald Blair, in the 19th century. Much of the information he gathered was preserved in numerous old letters, notes and hand-drawn charts in the author's possession. This original data has been verified or corrected where possible, significantly added to over the last twenty years and extensively footnoted. Of great importance is the discussion and analysis of the Family Tradition. The family's oral history starts with the French and Indian War under George Washington and follows with some of the trials and tribulations of Brice (II) and his children and their migrations westward. But the discoveries have not stopped here. After this book went to press in Apr. 2000, the tombstone of a Captain, John S. Blair (1787 - 1855, see Chapter Three) was found in Bedford Co, PA after being moved from under Lake Gordon when it was dammed.
In the introduction, Bryce states that Nathan's interest in his genealogy was inspired by the nation's centennial anniversary of 1876. And a desire to connect with the more famous Blair lines of Silver Springs, MD (Fagg's Manor line) and Williamsburg, VA. It was less by an altruistic need to preserve as much of the Clan's early history as possible. However, he succeeded in the latter but not in the former even though his daughter added the following to his obituary anyway: "He was born in Bedford Co., Pennsylvania, a descendant of pioneer settlers in Williamsburg, Virginia."
The Closson Press, Apollo, PA, printed 150 copies of this book (making it immediately a rare book), in both hardbound and softbound, with black print on gold covers. The book is 120 pages, on 60 pound, acid-free paper, in 8.5 x 11-inch format with a few pictures and charts. It includes a Table of Contents, Introduction, thirteen chapters, seven appendixes (Wills, Land Deeds, one pedigree chart, etc.) and a full name index. The book contains over 2200 connected names with dates, places, and sources given where known.
As of 2019, there are a few hardbound copies still available. The price is $30 plus $4.50 S&H. Orders, with payment, may be sent to Eleanor Blair, BCBC Book, 726 Falling Oaks Dr., Medina, OH 44256-2778.