BSGR Online Store

Merchandise |
Item_No. | Description |
M01 | BSGR Tote Bag: 15”x16”, natural color. Printed with full Coat of Arms and name in black outline with red fill. $15.00 each plus $2.75 P&H, (add $0.75 P&H for each additional bag). OUT of STOCK |
M03 | Blair Coat-of-Arms This full color print is on quality 90#, 8 1/2 by 11 paper and will look beautiful on any wall of your home or office when framed. Included with each print is a 3 page article on Blair Heraldry. They make wonderful, inexpensive gifts that will be treasured by any Blair descendant. Show pride in your Blair heritage by purchasing one or more color prints of the Blair coat-of-arms today. A single print can be purchased for $10.00, 2 prints for $15.00, and 3 prints for $20.00. Four or more prints may be purchased for $6.00 each. Please add $3.00 per order for postage and handling. |
M04 | BSGR Logo Lapel Pin: 1” diameter multicolor Mylar print with safety snap and plastic storage case. Great for personal wear or for swap-meets. Members - $4.50, non-members - $5.50 (add $1.55 for 1st Pin P&H, add $.25 for each additional pin up to total of 4). OUT of STOCK See picture |
Publications |
Item_No. | Description |
The following publications are available in HARDCOPY Books (Hard or Soft Cover) (All are 81/2" x 11" in size) |
P01 | BSGR Members’ Lineages 1983 – 2003), With Biographies of Their Earliest Ancestors
(2004) (Hardcover, 600 pages) Compiled by Charlotte Blair Stewart. Lineages as submitted by all BSGR members with many earliest ancestor biographies on the 364 separate known Blair family lines. Members - $40.00, Non-members - $55.00 (add $5.00 per book P&H) |
P02 | The Annotated 1850 Census for Blairs in the
United States (1999) (Hardcover, 508 pages) Compiled by Warren Blair; Computerized, edited and annotated by Charlotte Blair Stewart; formatted by John A. Blair. All Blair family groups found in the 1850 federal census with annotations provided by BSGR members. Members $30.00, Non-Members $40.00 (add $4.50 per book P&H) |
P03 | Blair Family Bible Records Vol I (Softcover, 58 pages) Compiled by Mark A. Davis. Members $8.00 , Non-members $10.00 (add $2.00 per book P&H) |
P04 | Blair Family Bible Records Vol II (Softcover, 58 pages) Compiled by Mark A. Davis. Members $8.00 , Non-members $10.00 (add $2.00 per book P&H) |
P05 | Blair Family Marriages1600-1900, (Softcover, 97 pages-) Compiled by Sue B. Kimbrel. Presently "OUT OF STOCK" Members $10.00, Non-members $12.50 (add $2.50 per book P&H) |
P06 | Genealogical File of Dr. Eleanor M. Hiestand-Moore
(1990, Reprinted 2007) (Softcover, 541 pages) Compiled by Gerry Carlisle, Blair family correspondence (1895-1923) to and from Dr. Heistand-Moore. Members = $33.00 , Non-members = $37.00 (add $4.50 per book P&H) |
P07 | Proceedings of The Tennessee Blair Seminar (Softcover, 41 pages) Compiled by Raymond R. Parker. Members $8.00 , Non-members $10.00 (add $2.50 per book P&H) |
P08 | The Blair Family Magazine, individual back issues [please designate volume and number].
Newsletter of the present BSGR (Softcover, stabled) Members $5.00 each, Non-members $6.25 each (P&H included). |
P09 | Annual BFM Indexes 1985 - 1999
individual back issues [please designate year] (Softcover, stapled) Members $3.50, Non-members $4.50 (P&H included). |
P10 | Ancestors of the Members of the Present BSGR (1990) (Softcover/spiral bound, 157 pages) Compiled by Kathleen B. Rheman. Pedigrees of the first 379 members and 36 Family Profile groups. Members - $5.00, Non-members - $7.00 (add $3.00 per book P&H) |
P12 | A Guide to the Archives of the BSGR (1992) (Pamphlet, 34 pages) By Gerry Carlisle – COPIES MADE TO ORDER. Members - $8.00, Non-members - $10.00 (add $2.00 each P&H) |
P13 | History of the BSGR (1989) (Pamphlet, 18 pages) By A. Raymond Blair – COPIES MADE TO ORDER. Members - $8.00, Non-members - $10.00 (add $2.00 each P&H) |
P14 | Offical Bulletin, Blair Magazine, 1925-31 (1999, Reprinted 2007)
(Softcover/spiral bound, 285 pages) Compiled by Mogan Blair Rajcevich. Enlarged reproductions of all 13 issues of the newsletters of the original BSGR, includes index by Marvin H. Kelley. Members = $28.00 , Non-members = $33.00 (add $4.00 per book P&H) |
The following publications are available on COMPACT DISCS |
CD01 | Offical Bulletin, Blair Magazine, 1925-31 (1999) (CD with jewel case, 285 pages) Compiled by Mogan Blair Rajcevich. Digital reproductions, in Adobe format, of all 13 issues of the original BSGR newsletters. Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader which is provided. Members - $20.00, Non-members - $25.00 (add $3.00 per CD P&H) |
CD02 |
The Blair Family Magazine Project CD (1983 – 2013) (CD with jewel case, 2,047 pages) Digital reproductions, in Adobe format, of the first 92 issues of the BSGR quarterly newsletter. Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader which is provided. Note: A digitally delivered version will be available soon and will likely include all issues to date. Members - $35.00, Non-members - $50.00 (add $3.00 per CD P&H) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Upgrade from 1983 - 2002 CD to 1983 - 2013 CD Members - $10.00, Non-members - 13.00 (P&H included) |
CD03 | The Annotated 1850 Census for Blairs in the
United States (1999) (CD with jewel case, 508 pages) Compiled by Warren Blair; Computerized, edited and annotated by Charlotte Blair Stewart; Formatted by John A. Blair. Digital reproductions of P02 above, in Adobe format. Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader which is provided. Members $20.00, Non-Members $25.00 (add $3.00 per CD P&H) |
The following publications are OUT of PRINT |
Blairs Of, In and Through Ohio Prior to 1900 (1994) (Softcover, 393 pages) Compiled by Charlotte Blair Stewart. Blairs living in Ohio listed by county from official records and county histories plus 39 multiple-generation Blair lines. |
Index to the Photographic Albums (1997) & Digital Image Archive of the BSGR(1998)
(Softcover/spiral bound, 50 pages) By Doris Turner Osten & Raymond H. Stoudt |
BSGR Members’ Applications and Lineage Charts (1985), (Hardcover, 681 pages) Compiled by Gerry Carlisle. Lineages as submitted by the members of the original BSGR (1925 – 1931). |
The Blair Surname; Its Ancient Scottish Origins and The Genealogies of Three Blair Families
(Softcover, 165 pages) By Jack Richard Blair. Members $30.00, Non-Members $35.00 (add $4.00 per book P&H) |
We have included all the BSGR publications that are OUT-OF-PRINT, along with those that are currently available, for information purposes only. Copies of all these publications have been donated or sold to a number of genealogical libraries around the country. If interested in any of the out-of-print books, contact your local library to see if they can find a lending library that has a copy.
If you think one of the out-of-print books should be republished, would you be willing to work on the committee to do so?
NOTE: Postage and Handling (P&H) listed above are for shipments within the U.S.A.
Please e-mail the BSGR Treasurer for P&H outside the U.S.A.
To order items, CLICK HERE for a printable order form.
Fill out the form, circle the items you wish purchase and send your check,
made payable to The Blair Society,
along with your order to:
Gene Bicksler, BSGR Treasurer
1990 Greiner Street
Eugene, OR 97405