The Annotated 1850 Census for Blairs in the United States
- Over 7,800 Blairs listed in the 1850 US Census
- along with 3,570 other names in the household.
- Over 2,900 annotations based on information provided by the members of the BSGR and other print sources.
The census is arranged alphabetically by state or territory. Within each state or territory, the listing is alphabetical by county, town or township, and page. The entries in the census include last name, first name, age, sex, the value of the property, and place of birth. The information enclosed in [ ] are notes added to the census. The source of information is also included in [ ].

Note: Reference to John 53, Joseph 54, and Andrew 63 and Joseph 32 pertain to other listing on the page. All are related to Peter.
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